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Anny Slegten
Apr 13, 20151 min read
Flying in the Wind
We are April 12. This is Spring time and to our great pleasure the geese are back for a good three weeks now, honking loudly, a prelude to
Anny Slegten
Apr 2, 20151 min read
Conversation with Subby
established a strong relationship with Subby, (as I call my subconscious mind) and this for many decades now.
Entering an hypnotic trance
Anny Slegten
Jul 3, 20141 min read
Reading Glasses
One day, a Congolese man picked up a pair of reading glasses his boss had left laying on a table, wondering what this was all about. Not kno
Anny Slegten
Dec 4, 20131 min read
I was in an upscale Ladies' clothing store the other day as two hip ladies greeted me at the door and proceeded to show me what was in thei
Anny Slegten
Sep 18, 20131 min read
We were in a grocery store the other day. As my husband started to speak to a teenager who was stocking the magazine shelves, the teenager
Anny Slegten
Jul 3, 20131 min read
Cadillac For Sale
An ad in the Classified section of the local newspaper section in North Bay, Ontario, where we lived read, quite simply: "Cadillac for sale
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